Tuesday, March 15, 2016

My Kids.

   I haven't updated my blog in foooorrreeevver...well since I went back to work last May anyways. I find that blogging is one of the first things to fall off "my beam" when I get busy and overwhelmed. This is too bad because I love looking back over the blog and reading stories and seeing how the kids have grown! So here are some quick little tidbits from over the last couple of days:

Peanut's first selfie!!
   Peanut has just discovered my phone and all of the cool things that it can do. I have downloaded some apps on it that she can play (Peppa Pig anyone?). Its been great for those Dr. Office trips, long car rides, etc. It hasn't been so great for just general life when she thinks that my phone is actually her phone and she uses it to take selfies and send them to my manager at the bank via text message! Whoops!

   Peanut's imagination is taking full flight. She is constantly playing and creating new story-lines. Her favorite thing to play is house. She loves playing with her babies and being their 'Mommy'. Unfortunately her babies spend a lot of time "in trouble". I asked her if this baby was potty training and she looked at me incredulously. "No! That baby is obviously in time-out Mommy. He said "no!" to me and then called another baby "bad". That is NOT okay, so he is in time-out forever.". First of all, its not like Peanut spends that much time getting in trouble so I don't know why its her favorite story-line. Second of all, when she is in time-out we have a 3 minute max...not forever (although, maybe to her it feels like forever!).

   Not to be forgotten: My Little Man! He is becoming SUCH a toddler lately. He is not my baby anymore :(. He walks around, talks a lot (or garbles), plays well independently, and has the most infectious giggle. He also absolutely adores his Da-da. If he finds one of of Mark's hats he will wear it for the rest of the day. Its so big on him...but oh-so-adorable! He also always puts it on backwards - our little punk!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pj's Big Girl Room

   Well, I finally did it. I finished Peanut's (I decided to change her blog name to something we actually use!) room. It only took me one year :). We had painted (one wall soft pink and the rest a light grey) and set up her room last Summer, but I never added any decorations, diys, or Momma-love to it. After finishing Big C's room Peanut asked if she could have some pillows and things on the wall in her room just like Big C. Que Momma-guilt: her room was quite blank. So, I headed over to Pinterest and started searching for cute ideas for a little big girl room.
   The first thing I made for her room were a couple of pillows using some fabric that I had laying around (including some excess from sewing her curtains). She also asked for a "soft" blanket just like I had made for Big C (aka a blanket with minky fabric). So I went out and bought some minky fabric from Len's Mill. These "finishing" touches were completed pretty quickly and easily for me. Next was figuring out some cute wall decor - something I find a little more stressful. Then I found this adorable idea via Pinterest and just knew I had to use it for Peanut's bedroom - lets call it Hoop Art. It was so easy and fun to make. I even hung them myself! Next I made a small garland out of different materials for the head of Peanut's bed - it looks quite cute if I say so myself. Something was still missing so I headed back to Pinterest to do some more searching.
   What I found was only the biggest trend in decor right now - don't know how I missed it: PRINTS! There were hundreds of cute little girl room type ones!I used this website to find some really great free prints! It took me a while to narrow it down to just a few because there were so many! I put them in cheap black wooden frames from the Dollarama across the road (super handy). Once again, I hung these on my own - with a hammer and nails!! (This is a huge accomplishment - just ask my hubby!). Add in a cute little rug from Ikea, a chalk board with coloured chalk in a flower pot, and lots of plush animals and I think her room looks really cute.
   That's 2 rooms done and a house to go - for those of you who are counting;).
Room View:
Peanut's little bed, with some DIY wall art, and her shelf of stuffed animals.
Peanut's open closets - Love this! Adds so much space to her little room.
Peanut's reading corner, with the pillows and blanket I made her. Also her books and chalkboard.
Another view of the closet/door wall. There is a print in the closet that reads "I'll love you always". I should have gotten a better view of it!
Some details:

Some of the fun FREE prints!

Hoop Art
Peanut spends many hours playing on this chalkboard during "quiet time".
Because every little princess should have a chandelier. Peanut points this light fixture out to anyone and everyone who comes into her room! She proudly tells them, "look what my daddy made for me!". 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

We Went On An Adventure!

   While I was growing up my family always celebrated Canada Day by spending the day at Sauble Beach. We would pack up the family vehicle, leave right after breakfast and make the 2 (ish) hour drive to the best beach around. Think: white sands, beautiful great lake clear water, waves, and (if we were lucky) sun. I have great memories of these days - lazing on the beach, jumping in the waves, playing beach soccer, and I could go on! We would end the day with Canada Day fireworks and then pack up and make the trek back home. I loved these long drives home, cuddled up in the back of the van, listening to my parents chat up front and being lulled into a sleep by the roll of the van wheels. These were some of the best days. Days that I couldn't wait to recreate with my own little family. 
   So, it was only natural that this year for Canada Day I planned (months in advance I might add) to spend the day at Sauble Beach. Only, this year Canada Day happened to fall on a very cool and dreary day. Mark was not at all keen about driving 2 (ish) hours to sit wrapped up in blankets on a cold beach with two irritable and bored kiddos. So, instead of the beach, we decided to go explore the African Lion Safari! It was amazing!! I hadn't been since I was around 5 years old and Mark had never been, so needless to say...it was a new experience for all of us! 

Pj watching all the animals in amazement (and maybe a bit of confusion). 
Big C feeling very big behind the wheel!
   We started the day with driving through the safari. The kids thought it was so cool. They sat on our laps and exclaimed about each animal that we saw (Pj more so than Big C). We got to see quite a few animals quite close up. Pj's favorites were the giraffes and the elephants (which we saw later on). Mark thoroughly enjoyed the lions. And I just loved it all! 

Selfie time while waiting for the cars in front of us to move :).

Pj's favorite - the giraffes! 
   After driving through the safari was walked through the other attractions and ended up at the elephant enclosure. Pj was in awe of them! She loved them and could have watched them for hours. After that we enjoyed some icecream (as the day was actually warming up!) and then we went to the elephant show. Pj thought it was amazing and at the end was even able to pet two of the elephants! Elephants truly are amazing animals! They are so smart and well, HUGE. 

The elephant enclosure! Our favorite!

Pj enjoying watching the elephants. There was a "small" baby there that she absolutely fell in love with!

Being such a good kiddo while "stuck" in his stroller for lots of the day.

Watching the elephants play soccer. They were pretty good!

Pj watching the elephants and loving them!
   After the elephants we headed to the small petting zoo where Pj was able to get up close and personal with some very friendly goats. She wasn't very sure of them at first, but quickly warmed up to them and loved being able to make friends with them. 

   After all the "animal-fun" we headed to the Safari's very large splash pad. The sun had come out in the afternoon and it was warm enough to enjoy the water. Pj loved this as well (let's be honest...she loved the entire day!). Unfortunately, she was about 1 inch too short to enjoy some of the larger (but still small) water slides, but there were still more than enough sprayers, fountains, and play areas for her to enjoy. They also had a small area with little jumpers for kids Big C's size to enjoy. Big C loves the water so he thoroughly enjoyed jumping and splashing around. 
Over exposed but I still love this picture - walking off to enjoy the water fun!

Loves his Daddy!
Trying out a slide. Fuuun!

Jumping around in the water.

Just so much fun! 

   After the water park we went to the playground for a couple of minutes before heading over to the little safari boat tour. A great way to end our African Lion Safari trip!

Pj consulting the map to find out where the park is located.
She's just the cutest!

Playing at the park.

On the boat - Big C wasn't so sure about it!

Pj loved it!

Big C did warm up to it very quickly.
   Afterwards we went for some supper and then headed to Fergus for their firework display. It was a bit of a wait but the kiddos were super good and the fireworks were worth it! It was a brilliant, long and beautiful display! I love fireworks :). All in all, it was a great day. Not the day I was planning but a day full of family memories and fun times! I can't wait for our next family adventure! 

A Daddy and his loves!

Chase Turns One!!!

   I started back to work at the end of May - this is my excuse for being MIA in the blogging world fo the past two months....but I am hoping that that is going to change! What better way to get back into blogging than by celebrating and discussing my little BIG man's first year?
   That's right! My "baby" turned one! I cannot believe it! It feels like he just joined our family...and yet, at the same time, feels like he's always been around. I can't imagine our family without him! I do not think I am ready to say 'goodbye' to Big C's baby phase...but, alas, I really have no say on the passing of time.
   Just like with Pj I am going to write a little letter/report for Big C on his birthday milestone. So, here goes:

Dear Big C.
   Wow! One year with you has flown by! I cannot believe that you are already 1 year old! You are such a fun little man and I can't get enough of your giggles and smiles. Your smile lights up your whole face and when you smile at people they often comment about what a handsome little man you are! I have to say that I agree - you are the most handsome! You also have a serious side and like to take in the world around you with big observant eyes. I would love to know what goes on in that head of yours! Unfortunately, you are not willing to discuss your thoughts as you are not too keen on learning to talk. You learned two words a couple of months ago...and they are your only words so far. They are "hi" and "dada". I have been trying to encourage you to say "mama" but you just smile and giggle at me. Just because you don't have words does not mean that you don't make noise! You babble constantly and have quite the piercing screech. You like to play a screaming game with Pj where both of you take turns screaming and then giggling while the other screams. I do not love this game. I can't wait for you to start talking more because I think you are going to be a funny little man! You love to laugh and will laugh at almost anything. Your daddy and Pj are the best at making you laugh long and loud. You thoroughly enjoy their antics!
   You are a healthy little boy with a very healthy appetite. I do not think you have every been "done" a meal. I have never known you to turn down another bite! The one food that you do not like is eggs. You will not eat them. If I sneak a piece of egg into your mouth you quickly gag and spit it out! You like everything else! Even black olives! I love that you are not picky and that you love to eat. Such a change from your big sister who happens to hate eating and is picky! You are still nursing (despite my best efforts to wean you!). You typically only nurse once a day in the morning. I don't mind this because it is our time to cuddle and connect before the business of the day (especially now that I am working!). Sometimes you also need a quick nurse in order to settle down for bed. You are not a tall boy - in fact, your cousin Carter (who is barely 6 months) is almost as tall as you! You are wearing size 12month shirts, but only size 6month pants (typical VanGrootheest, I hear!). You weigh approximately 20 lbs. Your last Dr. appointment was when you were 8 months old but you have another appointment in one week. I am excited to hear your new numbers and to discuss you with our Doctor. You only have 8 teeth - which you have had since you were 10 months! No more teeth growing yet (that we can see or feel).

   You are a great player. You enjoy your exersaucer and jumper still and spend quite a bit of time in each of these. That said, you are enjoying your freedom more and more and love to crawl around. You are an excellent crawler (you should be, you have been crawling for over 6 months!). You are very speedy and can get around! You are able to walk around furniture but do not have a great desire to walk without support. I think that crawling is just so much quicker for you that you don't see the need to walk! One of your favorite games is to crawl with a car under your hand. You like how your hand glides with the car wheels and you giggle the whole time. You will play with your cars for hours each day! You haven't figured out the stairs yet which I am okay with! You sometimes will sit at the bottom of the stairs and contemplate the climb...but as of yet you do not attempt more than just standing at the stairs. I am glad of this and am not looking forward to the day that you decide to climb! Your very favorite game to play is "Peek-a-boo". You love to hide your head and "pop" out while screeching something that only a Momma could pass as "peeka". You would play this game all day if you had the audience for it! Its really cute to see where you hide - behind the curtains, under a table, behind a wall, etc. When you "pop" out you have the biggest smile ever! You love your sister so much. She is able to get smiles and giggles out of you so easily. She does "over-love" on you which you find a little disconcerting. I often have to pull her off of you as she showers you in hugs and kisses. Even so, you are so patient with her and allow her to cuddle you often!
   You are a GREAT sleeper! You still go down for a nap (only one now though) which often lasts 3+ hours! Sometimes you also enjoy some quiet time in your crib in the morning -you won't sleep but you will play quietly. Its cute to listen to your babbling as you play quietly and independently in your crib. You sleep very very well at night. You are typically ready for bed around 6:30 or 7 and will sleep until 7:30 in the morning. You rarely wake up during the night...but if you do its just for a quick cuddle and back down you go!

   You are the most cuddliest! You love to give hugs and cuddles. Often you will hold onto your Momma or Daddy and just lay your head down on our shoulders. Its so sweet. You have also learned how to give kisses - big, wet kisses! They are my favorite! Whenever Daddy or I come home from work we are greeted with a huge smile, a hug and lots of "welcome home" babbling! It makes a parent feel very loved!
   Every night your dad and I pray over you. We pray for health, for wisdom, for strength to be the little man God created you to be. Most importantly we pray that you will know God in your heart and that you will serve Him your whole life. We are so thankful and overwhelmed with the gift that He has given us in you. You are such a great part of our family and we love you soooo much! Keep growing (but slowly) little man!
Love, Your Momma!

Tuesday, June 2, 2015


   These two have been in such a good mood today! 

   I love having these days - where the sun is shining, I am home from work, the kiddos are happy, and there is an overwhelming sense of peace. This is where I am supposed to be! This life may not be what I had pictured or planned, but it is where God has put me. I may not understand His reasoning or His timing, but I remind myself that He is in control. And in those thoughts I am overwhelmed with the fact that His plan has been so.much.better. than any plan that I could have imagined for myself! I just need to look at the people I share this life with to realize: I am BLESSED. 


Tuesday, May 19, 2015

11 Months...What?

   My little man is 11 months old! In less than 1 month I will have a little 1 year old in my house (sad face). This year has flown by! I can't believe all the changes that have happened. After Big C was born, we moved, we undertook updates in an old home, Mark started a new job, etc. etc. etc. Its been a busy year...but one of the constant blessings throughout this year has been Big C. He continues to be a happy baby. He sleeps well, eats well (he eats a ton!), giggles often, smiles often, babbles to us more and more, and is just all around a fun kiddo to have in our lives.

   This past month Big C has continued to grow and develop. He is crawling very fast (to the point that we have a hard time keeping up if he is "on a mission"). He is constantly moving (as you can see from these pictures). He is curious and likes check out all the nooks and crannies of wherever he is exploring. He likes to take things out of boxes (or laundry out of baskets) and plays very well on his own. He still spends a good hour in the excersaucer per day and will also, typically, have an hour of quiet independent play in his playpen. Currently he naps once a day from around 10:30 until 2/2:30 (such a good napper!). Lately he has also needed a little nap between 4:30 and 5 to keep him happy during the evening hours. He is in bed by 7:30 and will sleep through the night until 7am (well, between 7am and 8am) the next morning.

   Big C still really enjoys his soother. I have to admit that I am kind of enjoying having a baby with a soother too (Pj would never take one). He likes to have one when he is sleeping or upset (a rare occurrence). He also has decided to befriend a teddy bear that Mark gave me for my 20th birthday and sleeps with 'Teddy' every nap and at night. Its so cute how he wraps Teddy up in his right arm and snuggles in.

   Big C is pulling himself up on furniture and is able to walk around furniture holding on. He takes little "leaps" from a piece of furniture to me...but isn't really walking yet. We I hope that he learns soon because it would be so much easier (cleaner) having a toddler walking outside than crawling!

   Big C loves his big sister...probably because he has no choice. Pj adores him. He is often showered with hugs and kisses (to the point where I have to firmly tell Pj that all hugging has to be done for the next couple of minutes to allow Big C to catch his breath and balance). She loves to make him laugh and, if she finds something that he finds humorous, will repeat it constantly for hours on end trying to get him to giggle again (he often complies - he finds her quite entertaining). I am not sure if Big C is going to be an early speaker for the very fact that he does not need to talk - Pj takes care of all communication for him. I often hear, "Momma, Big C would like to nurse now" or "Momma, Big C wants to play on the ground with me now" or "Momma, Big C wants to wake up from his nap now" or "Momma, Big C wants a cookie for me to eat". She has his best interests at heart (most of the time). She always ensures that he is well taken care of; whether that means having enough toys, a blanket on him or his soother. If I am not able to get him right away when he wakes up from a nap Pj is quick to run into his room and fill his bed with toys in order to keep him occupied for the three minutes it takes me to get to him. I love the way that their friendship is growing and I hope that they can remain best buds for their lifetimes.

   Big C is a lovable little boy. He is also sensitive. He loves to cuddle and is starting to give kisses (big wet open mouth kisses). He does not like it when people raise their voices or make faces (he has, on more than one occasion, let out heart breaking sobs after Mark has looked at him with a "funny" face (I guess funny is relative).). He often plays "shy" when people notice him and talk to him. He will duck his head and try to hide in his arms (its adorable!). He loves his Momma (yay) very much and loves to sit with me or cuddle me (at anytime). He is still nursing and, if we're being honest, would like to nurse all day. I am trying to wean him as I go back to work in a little less than two weeks...so here's hoping!

   All in all, Big C is continuing to amaze and astound us. That God could bless us with him in our lives is wonderful! We pray that he continues to be healthy and that we are able to raise him to know and love our Savior.